Executive Director of Information and Communication Technology Agency, TIC TIMOR I.P, Roberto Caitano de Sousa Vicente, held a regular meeting with H.E. Prime Minister Mr. Taur Matan Ruak to report on the progress of the continuation of the services of the TIMOR Agency, specifically in what concerns the execution of the TIC TIMOR budget and also addressing the forecast of the execution of the budget until the end of this year. So far, the execution of TIC TIMOR is not complying with the expectations set out, namely in the second quarter, effectively according to the foreseen goals, the execution should reach 50% but in reality we have not been able to reach the percentage mentioned above. At the moment, we can run around 30.04%. In this sense, it has been trying to accelerate the execution in line with the goals. However, it may not reach the intended target established.” Said the Chief Executive to journalists after the meeting with the Prime Minister at the Government Palace. Executive Director informed that TIC TIMOR as an Agency that is specifically dedicated to the areas of Technology and Technology Investment. There are some projects that are pending so far and these do not materialize based on expectations and there are also some gaps that delay a little and it is not possible to finalize in order to contribute to the execution of the respective Agency. Regarding the Government's plan for next year, with regard to execution, in other words that by the end of this year, TIC TIMOR will not reach the intended goals, meaning that it will impact the budget allocated in 2022. For this reason, H.E. Prime Minister Mr. Taur Matan Ruak, instructed TIC TIMOR to maintain the continuation according to the existing parameters to possibly execute according to the goals set in the first quarter to make the review on how to allocate according to the goals. Thus, it will not generate much implication about the reduction of TIC TIMOR budget costs in the next year. However, the Head of Government, likewise, informed that next week, there will be the budget journey. Thus, needing to review the 2022 budget plan. This will also serve as a model on how to increase the capacity of TIC TIMOR in the execution of the respective budget and also in relation to the annual plan that will be prepared by TIC TIMOR in 2022. #TIC MEDIA#