E-Government Readiness Survey

Planu Dezenvolvimentu Estratéjiku (PED) hatete katak “To’o tinan 2020, servisu públiku sira adopta ona teknolojia informasaun moderna hodi suporta Governu konjuntu no inisiativa e-Governu”, (PDE 2011-2030). Termu Governu konjuntu mosu ho fokus ida atu haforsa koordenasaun iha administrasaun públiku. E-Governu ne’ebe hatudu ona hanesan meiu komun ida ba servisu públiku konjuntu, ne’eduni adopta husi Governu Timor-Leste. E-Governu sai programa prioridade ida iha Planu Estratéjiku Governu nian nomos iha programa sira iha Governu sira tuir mai, inklui VIII Governu Konstitusional. E-Governu mos alista hanesan output ida husi ajenda Reforma Administrasaun Públika (PAR).

Atu avalia prontidaun Governu Timor-Leste nian hodi implementa e-Governu ne’e, Governu Timor-Leste liu husi TIC Timor I.P. hala’o dadaun survei ida ba prontidaun e-governu ka ‘E-Government Readiness Survey’. Survei ne’e buka atu avalia estadu dezenvolvimentu ba implementasaun e-governu iha Timor-Leste, liu-liu ministériu sira governu nian, ajénsia no sira seluk ne’ebe finansia husi orsamentu governu nian.

Survei ida ne’e serve hanesan ferramenta ida atu identifika komponente e-governu nian ne’ebe disponivel no atu hetan kompriensaun kona-ba situasaun ‘real’. Alende ne’e, atu identifika instituisaun prioridade sira ne’ebe presiza ajuda ho dezenvolvimentu teknolojia informasaun  komunikasaun (TIC). Survey pilotu ida ho entidade 9 hala’o tiha ona.

Rezultadu husi survey ida ne’e sei orienta dezenvolvimentu estratéjia no politika sira ba e-governu ne’e. Survei ne’e iha intensaun atu estabelese fundasaun ida ba fornese oportunidade atu dezenvolve modelu ne’ebe diak liu no diresaun estratéjiku ida atu e-governansa ne’e avansa ba oin ho kriasaun Planu Mestre E-Governu ida no Roteiru (Roadmap) ida nudar output ida.

Survei ne’e sei lori besik 30-45 minutu atu kompleta. Favor kompleta survei ne’e to’o loron 31 Agostu 2022. Survei ne’e ho lian Tetun no Inglesh. Bele hili lian ne’ebe prefere liu iha rohan-leten-liu iha liman los husi pagina survey ninian.

Tuir mai sei halo interview ida atu kompriende liu tan estadu atual servisu sira e-governu nian iha ita nia organizaun/instituisaun, ne’eduni, favor fornese hela mai ita boot sira nia detaille kontaktu ba ami hodi kontakta no hasoru ita boot bainhira konveniente.

Karik iha dúvida ruma kona-ba survei ne’e, bele kontakta Sra. Elizabeth Baptista (77533180, ebaptista@tic.gov.tl) no Sra. Peregrina Amaral (75691004, pamaral@tic.gov.tl).


Atu partisipa iha survey, halo favor klik iha link tuir mai:

‘E-Government Readiness Survey’



The Strategic Development Plan stated that “By 2020, modern information technology will have been adopted by the civil service to support join up Government and e Government initiative”, (SDP 2011 2030). E-government is one of the common means of joining public services has therefore been adopted by the Government of Timor-Leste. E-government is a priority program in the Government Strategic Plan as well as each consecutive Government programs, including this 8th constitutional government. E-government also listed as an output of Public Administration Reform (PAR) agenda and as a Government priority (number 6) as stated in the national seminar on the budget journey for the year 2022 and discussed in the Development Partners' Meeting.

To assess the Government of Timor-Leste’s readiness to implement e-government, the Government of Timor-Leste through TIC TIMOR I.P. is conducting an ‘e-government readiness survey’. This survey sought to evaluate the status development of the e-government implementation in Timor-Leste, particularly the government ministries, agencies and others funded through the government budget.

This survey serves as a tool to identify e-government components that are available and to gain understanding of the ‘as-is’ situation. Furthermore, to identify priority institutions that need help with ICT development. A pilot survey with 9 entities have been conducted.

The result of the survey will guide the development of e-government strategies and policies and become a baseline for future surveys to be completed every 2 years. This survey is intended to form a foundation for providing opportunities to develop the best model and strategy direction for the e-governance going forward with a creation of an E-Government Master Plan and roadmaps as an output.

This survey will take approximately 30 - 45 minutes to complete. Please complete this survey by 31 August 2022. This survey is in Tetun and English. Please choose the preferred language on the top right hand side of the survey page.

A follow up interview will be conducted to further understand the current status of e-government services at your organization, therefore, please kindly provide your contact details in the Survey for the team to contact you and meet with you at your convenience.

For any inquiries regarding this survey, please contact Ms. Elizabeth Baptista (77533180, ebaptista@tic.gov.tl) and Ms. Peregrina Amaral (75691004, pamaral@tic.gov.tl).

To participate in the survey, please click the link  below:

‘E-Government Readiness Survey’